Revtangen BO September 14th

A new moth species for Revtangen BO, Black Rustic

The unseasonal (for any season!) hot weather continues, today we had the warmest day of the year with tempertures in the high 20ties in the afternoon. Around dawn we had very light easterlies and a cloud cover, perfect trapping conditions but again this was terminated by an irritating wind from the south from around 11. Playback use as yesterday. Nets open 06-14, netmeter hours approx. 2600.

Ringed: Common Kestrel 1, Grey Wagtail 3, Meadow Pipit 11, Dunnock 2, European Robin 9, Common Redstart 1, Fieldfare 2, Song Thrush 2, Reed Warbler 1, Garden Warbler 6, Blackcap 19, Common Whitethroat 1, Chiffchaff 7, Willow Warbler 4, Goldcrest 2, Blue Tit 7, Tree Sparrow 5, Brambling 1, Greenfinch 4, Eurasian Siskin 1, Lesser Redpoll 2, Yellowhammer 1. Total = 92. Also 5 controls, including Reed Bunting and Blue Tit not from Revtangen BO.


Kestrels are rarely trapped and this is only the 9th ringed at Revtangen BO.

Observations: Grey Wagtail ca. 15, Little Bunting 1. 

Our 3 Robinson Traps are out all night during these unusual conditions, today there was a decent collection og migrant moths including 13 Rush Veneer, 1 Rusty-dot Pearl, 75 Silver Y and one Gem.


The Gem (female). Vandrelinjemåler. 


The Robinson traps also produced a new moth species for Revtangen BO, this Black Rustic (Aporophyula nigra). Stort lyngheifly.

Asbjørn Folvik, Haavard Husebö and Alf Tore Mjös. 4 visitors.

Revtangen BO September 14th