Revtangen BO October 8th-12th

On the 8th-9th the weather was a bit unstable, with limited ringing. Most of the birds were trapped on the 10th-12th, when the weather turned NE to N, with less wind and some sun in between. Too many blue tits keep shutting down the operation more or less on a daily basis.

Bird of the week - Blue Tit. Adult male.

Ringed, October 8th-12th: Grey Wagtail 4, Winter Wren 16, European Robin 8, Common Blackbird 24, Fieldfare 5, Song Thrush 9, Redwing 23, YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER 1, Chiffchaff 3, Goldcrest 15, Long-tailed Tit 1, Willow Tit 2, Coal Tit 1, Blue Tit 879, Great Tit 26, Eurasian Nuthatch 1, House Sparrow 1, Tree Sparrow 16, Chaffinch 1, Brambling 9, Greenfinch 27, European Goldfinch 2, Yellowhammer 5. Total = 1095. Also 32 controls, including 8 Blue Tits not from Revtangen.

Willow Tit. Granmeis.

Ringmerket, 8.-12.10: Vintererle 4, gjerdesmett 16, rødstrupe 8, svarttrost 24, gråtrost 5, måltrost 9, rødvingetrost 23, GULBRYNSANGER 1, gransanger 3, fuglekonge 15, stjertmeis 1, granmeis 2, svartmeis 1, blåmeis 879, kjøttmeis 26, spettmeis 1, gråspurv 1, pilfink 16, bokfink 1, bjørkefink 9, grønnfink 27, stillits 2, gulspurv 5. Total = 1095. Også 32 kontroller, inkl. 8 blåmeis merket annetsteds.

Revtangen BO October 8th-12th