Revtangen BO March 17th

A bit too windy from the SW today for efficient trapping, and especially in the early morning. Therefore the nets were not open until 9, and nopt all the nets were in use. netmeter hours approx. 1500.


A few flocks of Redpolls were migrating north overhead, and this one was the only one trapped. Gråsisik.

Ringed: Common Blackbird 6, House Sparrow 1, Mealy Redpoll 1, Yellowhammer 2. Total = 10. Also 10 controls.

Ringmerket: Svarttrost 6, gråspurv 1, gråsisik 1, gulspurv 2. Total = 10. Også 10 kontroller.

Revtangen BO March 17th