Revtangen BO April 11th.

Same cold weather, just half a degree above zero around dawn, increasing to around 10 in the sunshine in the afternoon. More or less no wind in the morning hours, turning to light westerlies around 11. Nets open 06-19, netmeter hours approx. 4500.

Ringed: Eurasian Woodcock 1, Collared Dove 2, White Wagtail 2, Common Blackbird 3, Goldcrest 1, Common Starling 1, House Sparrow 4, Chaffinch 1, Brambling 1, Greenfinch 5, Eurasian Siskin 1, Yellowhammer 1. Total = 23. Also 18 controls.


Eurasian Woodcock, 2 cy. Rugde 2K.

Norwegian summary of ringing results: Rugde 1, tyrkerdue 2, linerle 2, svarttrost 3, fuglekonge 1, stær 1, gråspurv 4, bokfink 1, bjørkefink 1, grønnfink 5, grønnsisik 1, gulspurv 1. Total = 23. Også 18 kontroller.

Alf Tore Mjøs

Revtangen BO April 11th.