First week of August

Tringa-waders and Willow Warblers

In total 145 birds were ringed between August 1st and August 6th. There was finally a change in the weather, with some rain at times. Most trapping sessions were less than a full day. On August 1st we trapped a record 10 Green Sandpipers, our best single-day catch so far of this species. Also on the 1st-2nd we caught and colourringed 7 Greenshank. Willow Warblers dominated the catch, as the migration of warblers hasn't really kicked off yet.


Common Snipe, 1 cy.

Ringed August 1st-6th: Greenshank 7, Green Sandpiper 13, Common Snipe 2, Collared Dove 3, Wood Pigeon 1, Barn Swallow 6, White Wagtail 5, Meadow Pipit 1, Common Redstart 1, Sedge Warbler 6, Garden Warbler 1, Willow Warbler 63, Great Tit 1, Common Starling 14, House Sparropw 8, Tree Sparrow 1, Greenfinch 8, Common Linnet 1, Lesser Redpoll 3. Total = 145.

First week of August